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how 'bout a giveaway!?!
- Mar, 09 , 10
- windish01@yahoo.com
That's right! A giveaway!
I'm giving away "Seams to Me" by Anna Maria Horner! I have sewn with a lot of her fabrics. She has such an eclectic style with some seriously awesome colors. There are 24 projects in the book, including decorating, organizing, and just some fun projects too.
I should mention this book is new. I've not cut the patterns or written in it.
There are two rules to follow.....You have to do something, I'm giving this book away, you know.
Here are the rules:
Jennifer Dell
Mar 09 ,2010I would just like to learn to sew. Maybe there is a simple project I could start with.
I’m following you on facebook!
Mar 09 ,2010Oh wow, I would love to win this book! I would make some pretty decorative pillows or perhaps a set of new placemats for me!
I’m also following you on twitter