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- Mar, 14 , 10
- windish01@yahoo.com
Miss Jennifer Dell has won the giveaway!
Hope you have fun with the book. I will email you!
We'll try another giveaway soon!
That's right! A giveaway!
I'm giving away "Seams to Me" by Anna Maria Horner! I have sewn with a lot of her fabrics....
We went to the "deer show" on Sunday. It was really the "outdoors show", I think that's what they called it. But by this pic, I guess "deer show" is...
He's five, but he thinks he's eleven. He's sick of school. Well, sick of riding the bus, he says. He still sucks his thumb and needs his blanket at bedtime....
Sorry about not being here the last two weeks. Things have been crazy. First of all taxes, which stink, but we have the most awesome tax man ever. We also...
UPDATE: Dax's Day raised over $15,000 for St Jude!!
Have you heard of Dax Locke? He's a little boy from Washington, IL that lost his battle with cancer in December...
Showing 307 - 312 of 471 item(s)