I know, I know

  • Apr, 10 , 09
  • windish01@yahoo.com

Long time, no posts! No Luanne, there is no more snow! Yippee! It's actually getting a little bit warmer every day! We are almost to 60 degrees, well, we are supposed to be on Easter. We will see....

We will also get to see Jack and Henry, which Slone is so excited about. The boys really get along great, not too much fussing between them now. Bo is beginning to be included with them little by little. It will be interesting when Henry is big enough to add to the mix!

We might get to see my niece Taylor. She'll be visiting her other grandma, so I'm not sure. But I snapped this photo of her the other day at Mom's. She finally looks at me like she likes me, instead of like I'm crazy!

I'll try to keep up on my post better this week:)