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granny style
- Jan, 12 , 10
- windish01@yahoo.com
No, not my underwear....well, maybe. I've been working on some granny squares. I was inspired by some great pics from this girl. Everything on her blog is inspiring. I even want to make a quilt...a BIG quilt. Anywhoooo....
I found this awesome picture of a granny square afghan on flickr.
So I've done some practicing. Here's what I've come up with so far. I think I ready to splurge on some nicer yarn for an afghan of my own. I didn't have any white so I used black. But I'm really liking the white in the afghan above.
Oh yeah, and the mug is from Kinze. I love it. I use it everyday:) Thanks Kinze.
Jan 12 ,2010You might want to check out the LOVELY Attic 24, http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/, she has a great way for joining Granny’s on the fly.
Jan 12 ,2010I love it! You did those all by hand?? Looks awesome…I need my mom to teach me to knit, and my granny to teach me to crochet!