
  • Feb, 11 , 11

Slone needs Valentines for school on Monday. And a box to put the valentines in (that we still have to make). We are going to do that this weekend. But I thought ahead on the actual cards this year.

First, I took some pics of him. And I did some of Bo, because they have little cousins that they could give them to (and the grandmas like them too:). I can't claim to have thought of this on my own. I've seen it around quite a bit in bloggie world for the last year or two. So many times that I'm not sure who to credit.

There is also this really cool shop that sells photoshop templates called ewcouture. If you follow them on facebook, they post links to free downloads a lot!  They posted some valentine ones last lucky day! (if you don't have photoshop, or have no idea what a template is, just ignore this paragraph)

So here's what we ended up with.


Slone thought they were so cool. His teacher asked that the kids write their own names and all the other kids' names on them. He did that on the back of them before we put the suckers in them.

I used a regular old hole punch for the holes. But on both the boys card, I'm going to have to use something else because the punch doesn't reach far enough in.

Here's the both of them. Notice Phineas also made it in the picture. He and Ferb are the favorites around here lately. This pic really cracks me up though. Such good sports to do what mommy asks!


Happy Valentine's Day!




Feb 11 ,2011

HOW COOL! i gotta remember this for when ry is in school!

Jami Nato

Feb 11 ,2011

that is the cutest! i am so going to try and copy it…