
  • Aug, 10 , 11
  • windish01@yahoo.com

I havent ever done a wiww post before. What is wiww? It stands for what i wore Wednesday by the Pleated Poppy.

pleated poppy

So here we go...

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I look real happy, don't I? The top is old navy and shorts are old navy. The shorts are actually yellow though. Keepin it real with the mess in the background.

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Next day...I wore this dress at home all day. It's from Target. A little happier and still the mess.

This is what I worked on while I wore it:

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Then I wore this before MY 4 MILE RUN! I finally did it!

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I should have taken an after pic of that! not so pretty:) But look at my bicep in that pic;)



Aug 10 ,2011

I am super impressed with your 4 miles! You look REALLY happy before you took that pic, so you must have known you could do it! You always look cute. kev and I went to Old Navy yesterday and I picked out two outfits that I think you will buy this year…he thought I was a weirdo. Love ya, girl!

Heather from wearetheholdens.blogspot.com

Aug 10 ,2011

Girl I like you more.. the more I read… you are so so cute. Oh, and that throw on the chair in the background…I need to know the scoop on. Your bicep looks awesome too..:)