discovering your creative side

  • Sep, 06 , 11
I do honestly believe that God created each and every one of us with (even a little) creativity. I know there are some of you out there that say this isn't true. I know you are there, because this is the same thing that my mops group says every month! But let me tell you, I think our little group is really blossoming into a creative group! There doesn't seem to be quite as much whining about our crafts lately;)

I don't care what they say though, there is plenty of creativity to go around! We all named our kids didn't we? We all got up and got dressed and fixed our hair. We have all picked wild flowers and put them in a vase. And we have all colored a picture with some crayons. There is a little creativity in everything we do, I think.  Nobody colors with the brown crayon all the time.

In I Corinthians 12:12-27, Paul talks about the parts of the body and how they all have to work together. There is none that is better than the other. Because if we were missing one part, all the rest would know it. Each piece was creatively designed to work together. To get along with each other. Not to out-do but to compliment.

It's that way in life, we need someone else's idea to make it though organizing our closets, another idea for a recipe for supper, and another on how to decorate our home. And when we gather all these things together, we have this creative person with their own style.  Everything is brought together and works differently just like God created our bodies.

What an amazing thing! We have creativity built in. We can pick and choose how to use these little talents but just like our bodies, they need exercise. So I challenge you today to do just a little something creative! I want to know what it is too! :) I'll be back with mine later.

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Laurie J

Sep 06 ,2011

so true. our God is a creative God who created us to be creative! love it.

Maggie @ Midwestern {Sewing} Girl

Sep 06 ,2011

I promise to do something creative today…