Oh, how I love them! 

I can't really write any other words that genuinely express how I feel about them. It's just a week short of...

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They crack me up. I've been messing around with my camera, trying different settings. So these aren't the sharpest pictures.

Don't touch me!


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Now this is the man that gets nausea at even the mention of vegetables. He once said, back when Fear Factor was on tv, that he could not eat a...

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You can read this...http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-lead7-2009jan07%2C0%2C6917858.story

But we all know you can't always trust the news. But maybe, just maybe, MoreyGirl might be able to continue selling baby items after February! We...

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Since it's looking like this outside today....

I decided I had better get everything onto etsy. I'm having a big sale on all of my items. Everything...

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Well, a day late but I do hope you did have a merry Christmas! We still have one party tomorrow, and I am supposed to bring...

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Showing 391 - 396 of 471 item(s)