Happy Birthday, Turbo!
- Feb, 01 , 09
- windish01@yahoo.com
Yup, tomorrow my little Bo is two! I can't really believe it. Honestly, it really seems like he should still be this little helpless, but oh so loud baby. Well, he is still loud. Look at him here all grown up with the spiky hair.
We had his birthday party on Sunday afternoon with family. He acted really grown up. He also ate a lot of cake. Speaking of cake, here's a pic of the cupcakes that I made.
No, I can't take credit for the little Bo heads. But I cannot for the life of me find the blog of the mom who did it first. Obviously, I have spent i.e. wasted a ton of time reading blogs. Here's the
link where I got it from. You can get it for free. But Bo loved having his face on the cakes!
Birthday party fun! Thanks cousin Adam:) Oh yeah, and his daddy took care of the spiky hair. He shaved it all off on Sunday morning!