am I the only one?

  • Feb, 22 , 11

I had troubles with this block! It's for my flickr group (remember? click here)

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It looked like such an easy block! And really it was. It's just I obviously don't know the seam allowance settings on my sewing machine. Because when I finished this block the first time...oh yes, I said the first ended up an inch and a half too short!

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See all those seams? I had to rip them all out. argh! I was not happy. But I did it and finished it again.

I'm actually pleased with how it came out this time! Hope you like it Skye! Oh, and I did not trim it up for risk of screwing it up again! I'll leave that to you!

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Feb 22 ,2011

Poor girl, sorry you had such a rough time… so something I would do. It seems like my seam ripper and I are best of buddies lately. I love how it turned out, thank you!!!