Making Time for You {Creative God Series}

  • Oct, 11 , 11
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn

Why is that? I know I do this. It's quite sobering. We all want more time...more time to do what? Work?

 Please. I'm not just talking about getting your work done. I'm talking about doing something that you enjoy and being creative about it. Maybe instead of watching a movie with the kids, you take a bike ride or search for cool leaves in the yard. Maybe make a small journal about a book you're reading. Maybe join a mops group and meet some new moms instead of just a playdate with your best friend.

While all of those things are fine on their own...maybe they need a little spicing up.

What about our routine chores around the house? Instead of just putting away the dishes, how about rearranging the cabinet where you keep the dishes? How can you make it more useful? I bought a keurig coffee maker last year when my old one gave out. I really didn't want it sitting on my counter advertising to everyone that I bought the expensive machine. 

So I got creative. 

I have this cabinet in my kitchen. It's tall and skinny. I am sure that it's a broom closet. But my broom is too tall and doesn't fit in it. So I store my extra baggies and paper plates and plastic silverware in it. But the top of the cabinet wasn't really being used.

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There's my freezer list on the outside of the door.

Here's what I came up with. I attached a shelf and some mug hooks. I have my very own little coffee station!

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Underneath in that basket is where I keep the kcups. It works for me.

But while all this work is fun work...Jesus calls us to spend some time with Him alone.

This way I make some more time for myself since all my coffee stuff is together. Then I can spend more time drinking my coffee while I do these devotions. The verse that spoke to me this week was:

Mark 6:31
{Jesus said} "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

He wants us to spend our quiet time with Him. To talk with Him and worship Him.
Keep that in mind this week while you are rushing about and don't forget to take that time for yourself and Jesus!


hannah singer

Oct 11 ,2011

love it, heather! and thanks for that scripture, gonna meditate on it all day! xo


Oct 11 ,2011

I needed to hear that. I need to spend more alone time with the Lord.
Thanks for sharing!